Choosing the Application Server That Best Suits Your Needs And Pocketbook

Which Java Application Server Is Best for Your Company?

If you’re looking to deploy an application server, it can be a challenging experience attempting to choose the product that will best suit your needs and pocketbook.  Here are a couple of resources that can assist you with wading through the hype from all the propaganda you’ll be faced with.  You’ll learn some valuable information on how to choose a product from Markus Eisele at his personal blog Enterprise Software Development with Java.  In addition, you’ll also be educated on one of the most important features of an application server, the Java EE Compatibility version.  This link can provide you information on where each product stands.

Selecting Your Java EE 6 Application Server  by Markus Eisele

Java EE Compatibility page at Oracle

Google partners with Udacity to teach about Android app development

New Google Android App Development Strategy

Udacity is an online learning site offering tech industry related courses.  What’s so special about Udacity’s courses, is that they are developed in collaboration with some of the top companies in the software world.  Students benefit directly from the experience of companies like Google, Facebook, and Salesforce.  The model seems to be a very worthwhile one and the price is bad either.  Sign up for a course just like you would at any university with the option to work at your own pace.  It’s definitely worth the money for those who would like to change careers or have realized that education can really make a difference in your life.  Visit the Udacity site to learn more about them.

Originally posted by Justin Herrick at

Information Technology Education

IT Education:  Increase Your Knowledge and Understanding

The Information Technology (IT) field is an arena of constantly changing concepts.  Many of which are manifested in the form of products and services that, for some, are easy to understand and work with. However, for many others, just the phrase IT represents complete confusion.  Our Technology Education service provides clarity to IT as a whole, but more importantly,  exposes how your business goals can be reached through some form of technology implementation.  A great resource for learning more about the IT field and its various disciplines, is the National Institute of Standards and Technology or NIST for short.  Their Information Technology Portal is an excellent resource for acquiring a wealth of knowledge about the latest trends in the field.  Take the opportunity to review  what they have to offer.

Public, Private & Hybrid Cloud Explained |

Understand What Cloud Technology Is All About

If you are having a hard time with understanding the Cloud, please take a moment and review this excellent infographic by Sam Turner on  I wass really impressed with the way Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud was explained with such definition.  At Paraklesys, we endeavor to help our customers by pointing them in the right direction when it come to choosing a cloud provider.

Public, Private & Hybrid Cloud Explained |

High-Availability guidelines and VMware HA best practices

Guidelines and Best Practices for HA

There are many ways to provide high availability with any particular solution.  At Paraklesys, we work with many different types of solutions that provide reliability and high availability.  This article written by Elias Khnaser at SearchDisasterRecovery, is a very well written informational on this subject.  It has some very interesting information on VMware vSphere that is still very pertinent.  

High-availability guidelines and VMware HA best practices.

VMware HA Cluster