Running Your Business From The Cloud – Google+

Are You Running Your Business From Anywhere?

If I ever were impressed with a blog post, this is one them.  This article from Annie Pilon at Small Business Trends is a real winner.  She really takes a holistic approach to this decision making process.  Her article addresses 23 different topics you’ll find useful.  Each topic is short and to the point.  However, she’s also added some ideas that you may not expect to be found in this course of discussion.  If you’re thinking of running your business from the cloud, take some time to view this post.  Don’t forget to leave a comment as well.  You’ll definitely be enlightened in exchange for the time spent.

Why You Should Invest In The Azure Cloud Platform – Google+

Azure Cloud Platform vs Amazon Web Services: How Do They Differ?

Looking to get a better handle on cloud platforms?  Check out this Slideshare post to get a run down on differences between Azure and AWS.  You’ll learn some specifics about the products and services each has to offer.  The presentation explains the four main offerings:  Compute, Database, Storage & Content Delivery, and Networking.  It is a very informative piece of content on Azure Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services.  There are 18 slides in this presentation.  You’ll learn about the similarities and differences of each product at a high level.  Additionally, be exposed to the difficulty associated with deploying each.  There are also links to other Slideshare presentations that could offer more information.  Check it out and leave a comment.